As Montanans, we know that our open spaces and public lands are invaluable and irreplaceable. They are a significant part of our sense of place and quality of life and what makes Missoula and Montana the Last Best Place.

As a trail runner and mother, Nancy de Pastino understands the value of protecting wild spaces, guaranteeing the right to access public lands, and working to ensure there are open lands for our kids and their kids to enjoy as much as we do today.

As House District 91’s representative in the Montana Legislature, I know Nancy will do everything in her power to defend public lands, support open space protections, and safeguard recreational access. Nancy is not only a staunch, smart advocate for Montana’s public lands, she’s also a mother, so she knows how important our wild places are for kids – both today and for future generations.

Nancy is also a working parent who understands the value of pursuing a career while also staying closely engaged at home, and will bring this invaluable perspective to the Montana Legislature.  I hope you’ll join me in voting for Nancy de Pastino for House District 91 on June 5.