As a passionate hunter, I am happy to support Nancy de Pastino in her bid for the Montana House District 91 seat. She is an advocate for public land protection. These public lands are important not just to me, but to all Montanans and Americans who collectively own these irreplaceable acres. Nancy will work hard so future generations will also be able to enjoy these lands.

For five years, Nancy has worked hard to demand sensible gun laws that keep firearms away from schools and out of the hands of those who would hurt themselves and others.

As many of us Montanans teach our kids to shoot accurately and harvest wild game, I realize guns will always have a cherished and utilitarian role in my life and our culture. I also realize that firearm ownership and sensible gun laws are not mutually exclusive concepts. Nancy strikes the ideal balance between supporting smart gun laws and the right to bear arms.

We need legislators who fight for our public lands, support intelligent gun regulations, and aren’t afraid to stand up for what their friends and neighbors need. Nancy de Pastino will be that legislator.

Ryan Chapin
Missoula, MT