By Tammy Sciaretta

How long did it take for you to get ready this morning?

I have been a certified nursing assistant for 20 years at Lake View Healthcare in Big Fork.  I am terrified of the proposed budget cuts to Montana’s skilled nursing facilities.

Day after day, I get 10-15 medically frail patients out of bed, dressed and to the breakfast table in an hour.  Do the math.  That’s four to six minutes per patient!  It is sad and it isn’t fair. I often do not have enough time to apply lotion on dry skin or let the residents choose what color clothing they want to wear.

I am worried the budget cuts being debated by the Montana Legislature will add to the long wait these frail grandmothers and grandfathers must endure just to get out of bed each day. It’s not right. Working at a nursing home is not like flipping burgers.  We care for our parents and grandparents.

Legislators, before you vote, please consider the people who will be impacted by the budget cuts.

Tammy Sciaretta - Bigfork